
Q: Please can you explain two dreams I had regarding my late father. Two days after he passed away I dreamt that he came out from a garden, the garden had a big gate covered in leaves. He had a silver tray in his hand. In that tray, there were almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts, all in neat piles. He offered them to me, while saying "lo beta kha"(take beti eat).

I had another dream few months after he died, he was wearing a long white robe, he hugged me and said he is going and would not come anymore. I asked why he would not come, and he said ,"it is time to go". I asked where was he going, but he just said"I have to go now"and then he just drifted away.


A: The dream indicates that your father in is in a good abode. You should read a portion of the Quraan or give some Sadaqah and convey it's reward to him.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
