Published 11 years ago
Last updated 10 years ago
Q: I would like to know please, if a women gets discharge:
- Does she have to make a fresh wudhu for zuhar salaah if she made wudhu after sunrise?
- If not does she have to check and remove the najasah?
- I the discharge is not regular(eg: she may not experience discharge for whole day), will she still have to make a fresh wudhu for each salaah?
- If she is ma`zoor then she does not have to repeat the wudhu.
- If it is not dripping all the time and it is manageable to remove the najaasat then she should remove the najaasat.
- If she is not ma`zoor then she should make a fresh wudhu.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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