
Q: I dreamt that I was digging (I was to bury some thing, I think it got to do with money but I only remember putting a slip of paper with a few sentences written on in) a hole in front of my house. Also my Madrasah Aapa was with me and She was telling me something... i'm not exactly sure but it seemed that Moulana was going to come dig it up later so i should just put the paper in and something so that He will know where to dig tonight. Also when I dug (with a shovel, very easily) after about one shovel I asked must I dig more then Aapa said more so I dug deeper and there were my sisters correspondence university books in. Many of them and there were a few CDs I think they were related to the books too. I kind of just ignored it. I remember throwing sand back in but I only remember seeing the paper being covered only a  little. Then I sort of just drifted away.... I also slightly recall something of my younger brother and sister; they were eager to join me and did not want me to carry on when they were not there.. I think they were inside... I can't exactly recall their part but I felt something like this... Please can Mufti Saheb interpret this dream?


A: You should ensure that there is clarity in your dealings. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
