
Q: I have seen a dream, can you please interpret it? 

Me and my friends are going somewhere. We lost the track and ended up near masjid al haram. I saw the kaba. It was half covered with cloth. As soon as I saw it I was very happy and started staring it. I was staring at it for a long time. then I went to urinate.Tthere was rocky hill kind of thing which had stairs. I climbed the stairs and then urinated while standing. Water was flowing from that rock so I washed and did istinja. Then I came down, made wadu. Then I again came back to the k'aba and started staring at it happily. My friends were leaving and were calling me but I was reluctant to go with them and wanted to do tawaf of kaba. Then I went to a place and saw many black bulls or buffaloes. They were running here and there. I was afraid that they might harm me so I climbed a very tall pillar and held it firmly and watched them from there. Three other persons were also holding the pillar along with me. 


A: This is a Mubaarak dream. The meaning of the dream is that as long as you hold firmly to the Sunnah and remain in the company of the pious, you will progress. However if you lose your direction and join wrong company, you will endanger your Imaan.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
