Dreams during istikhara

Q: I was hoping if you can interpret dreams that I saw during istikhara. I did istikhara for residency and where I should rank certain programs on a rank list. My istikhara was whether I should rank all Chicago programs on top of the rank list or whether I should rank other programs where I thought I would fit in well and get a better education. I saw two dreams during the entire duration of istikhara which lasted 7 days. The two dreams are narrated below.

1. The first dream I saw was that me, my wife, and two kids were at a water park. The day was nice and we were having fun but I was very concerned
that someone was going to die drowning. I was concerned because my entire family had a chain tied around their neck which was linked to a cylinder
block and was heavy and would weigh them down; hence, they would drown and not return to surface. However, every time my family went down a slide or underwater they would always return to the surface even though they had this heavy block tied to them. I was constantly worried that someone was not going to make it out alive and this happened several times but no one drowned. 

2. The second dream was of me in a classroom of a college. The classroom held over two hundred students. The professor of that class did not like me and I, likewise, did not like him. He would constantly pick on me in class and would make a mockery of me. The professor constantly made fun of me and ridiculed me in front of the whole class. He would purposely pick on me knowing I didn’t know the answer and would be clueless. Eventually, he started coming closer to me each time to mock me and started touching my backside. Each time he would touch my backside my stomach would come outwards. After this I felt really awkward and uncomfortable and ran away. That’s when I woke up from my dream.


A: The meaning of these dreams is that if you do not associate with the pious and do not lead a life which conforms to the Mubaarak lifestyle of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), then you will always be in a state of uncertainty and uneasiness. Allow your life to be governed by Deen and ensure that you do not get involved in anything that is displeasing to Allah Ta'ala.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
