
Q: Can Mufti please interpret this dream. I was at my male friends home. In real life I have never seen his place but I know his family and they know me too. I did't remember what I was actually doing there. He and his family members were on the ground floor and I was on the 2nd foor in his bedroom and nobody was there. I was alone. I was searching for some thing and I found a phonebook diary and lot of numbers were written on there. While i was searching his home suddenly I felt something in my nose. I felt there was a lot of mucus and I wanted to blow it then I rushed to the washroom. He wants to marry me. Is he right for me?


A: It is impermissible for you to have any contact with this boy. If you wish to marry him, you should inform your parents.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
