
Q: I had a dream that I was in a taxi going somewhere and the taxi suddenly fell from a cliff I knew that my end has arrived so after this I felt that I was in my last stages of life and the soul was leaving the body. I was as though agitated in the dream and feeling the pangs of death and repeatedly I was reciting the Kalima within my  heart and saying in my heart that I have not fulfilled the Haq of worshipping Allah and that I am a great sinner please forgive me my Allah. Eventually I felt in the dream that the soul was pulled right to my chest and I was breathing heavily as if I was taking my last breaths in this temporary life of this world and I was repeatedly reciting the kalima in my heart and in this condition I woke up shaken up a little and I sat and pondered for a while that indeed death will certainly claim my life immediately after awakening from this dream at fajr time.


A: Be punctual on your Salaah and ensure that you are always in pious company. One day we all will have to leave this world, hence we should prepare for the Aakirah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
