
Q: I have had this dream a few days ago. I saw myself, my dad and my mom in a home unfamiliar to me. There were helicopters revolving around our home, which I could see through the window. They were there for some security reason perhaps. Then some people (they were in security officer's outfit as far as I remember) from the helicopter came over our place. I received them. That unknown officer asked me about my dad, I got scared that why was he asking of my dad so I made an excuse that daddy was asleep but eventually he met my dad and that officer turned out to be really nice which was quite ironic. My dad really liked them. Then I was in the kitchen with my mom helping her with the food and washing glasses which were dusty. My dad invited them again to our place and they said next time they would come for lunch. I live with my mom and dad. I hope this dream doesn't have negative connotations. 


A: There is no need to worry. If your lives are in accordance to the Sunnah, then Allah Ta'ala will protect you'll with the angels and his divine security.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
