Dreaming about getting married

Q: I am 28 years and not married. I keep on dreaming that I'm getting married or I am married but each time its a different guy. I've never seen them before. Can you please tell me what does this mean and the guy I'm working with, he is a black guy. I had a dream that we were in the shop, it was dark and there was a snake there. When I called him he killed it. What I don't understand is he also dreamt about a snake and his mother also and he killed them all that time. I don't know why did I dream about him. How is it related to me and what does it mean.


A: You should observe strict purdah from all na mahrams and allow your parents to choose your partner in life. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
