
Q: I dreamt that I was in a foreign country (South Africa) (and basicaly I am from Pakistan). There I happily met with my beloved teacher, I smiled and said finaly i'm in South Africa. I asked him to help me to get papers as per law of this county. He says do you have passport? I said no I don't have passport. Then he says you must have Passport to get your papers prepared. I got worried, I was willing to go back home, but he says its not near and easy to go back home. I see some kind of hills and ditches to the backway. I was just worried and thinking that why I didnt prepare a Passport in Pakistan. Then i woke up. What does my dream mean?


A: The meaning of the dream is that we should prepare in advance for the Aakhirat so that later on we do not regret.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
