
Q: I want to ask for a dream interpretation on behalf of my mother as she saw the dream. The dream is as follows:-

  1. It is raining heavily and there are many small fishes in water. She says the the fishes seems very happy and enjoying the water.
  2. My mother is sitting with my late grandfather. My mother is telling my grandfather," abba ye inki (my father's) saari zindagi ki mehnat hai"( father, this is the gist of his whole life), so my grandfather is nodding his head saying yes and smiling. There is contruction work going on and there are three labours constructing a very long wall.



  1. Allah Ta'ala will bless you'll with Barakah in wealth, rowzi and progeny.
  2. Your mother should recite a portion of the Qur'an and convey the reward to her deceased father. Overall the dream is a good dream. It refers towards the good actions of her husband.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
