
Q: I saw a dream I was standing in my balcony watching the sky. Some thing was written with clouds. I was elated to see them. I was trying to interpret what was written. Suddenly a flying snake, grey coloured came from the sky entered into my home through the balcony. My mom and brother panicked. They were trying killing it with broom, it was killed and was alive again. It wasn't causing any harm. It was in my lounge. And I wasn't afraid of it I was asking my mom not be afraid of it too, It would cause no harm to us. (The speed of snake was too fast when it was flying, it was small, grey coloured).


A: Lead a life of taqwa and total conformity to the sunnah and refrain from sin and all areas of doubt. Allah Ta'ala's divine assistance and protection will be with you.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
