
Q: Today I saw a dream that I met with a doctor but she doesn't look like a doctor. She was sitting in open place. She checked me and said that I got incurable disease i.e aids and said she has to check more and have to do sonography but I was feeling unconscious after listening to it and left the place to die and was feeling I spoilt my life in this world and also hereafter. After this I saw myself along with my relatives and my sister in law took me and my mother to her home but there was transportation so she made a call to one of the auto drivers. Auto came and she seated her children in that and we also sat in it. I was not feeling to go along with her so I told my mother that I will go back then sister in law gave 20 rupees to me and I left to my relatives place. I can't remember anything more. Can you please let me know what this dream means. I would be grateful if you could interpret this dream.


A: This dream means that you should associate with pious company and ensure that you observe purdah from all na mahrams.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
