
Q: Yesterday I had a dream as me and my brother went to the market and it was full with lighting and all but we didn't buy anything. Then I saw myself standing in a row near by some dargah and some body told to sit besides and I sat and today I had a dream that I was at my taima's home with simple dress with no make up and all are well dressed and my taima got angry on me that I didn't dress well as there's a party is in her home. After this I went to my phupi's home to get ready while going I saw an elephant and when I reached, phupi's home was with lighting and all. Please interpret this dream.


A: You should refrain from leaving your home except when there is a valid need to leave the home. You should refrain from going to places where there are intermingling taking place.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
