
Q: One year ago I have been engaged. Before the engagement I was asked to do Istekhara and I did till one week. I did keeping 2 or 3 time in a day during this time I saw some dreams where I saw baby (boy)with me in my hand. Now after a year the wedding date has been fixed and my mother /father are just confused on the dowry issue that should they give me or not and I am also  in favour of not giving dowry, my brother told me to do Istekhara and I did tomorrow (15/2/2014) and today before the pray of Fajr I again saw a dream in which I saw baby but now I am just confused with my self that did I see a baby boy/girl. What do these dreams mean? Please guide me is this a sign? If yes what does it mean and if no then why such dreams come to me whenever I do Istekhara related with my wedding issues?


A: If you and your parents are happy with the boy's Deen, character and mannerisms, then there is no need to delay.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
