
Q: My husband has lost his job three months ago. He has been trying desperately, but no gain. Regarding this, I am quite worried. Before going to sleep yesterday, I recited many Quranic surahs and asked Almighty Allah’s  guidance in this regard, as to in which direction, we should move. In my
dream, I saw someone knocking the door at 2'0 clock night. My husband opens the door and a person hand over a magazine to him. Then all of a sudden a group consisting of 3 men and 2 women entered my house. These people seem to be Non-Muslims. The women entered my kitchen and started cooking. The men lied down on the bed with my children. I felt irritated and asked them to leave the house immediately. The women said, they are cooking and cannot leave. Then I decided to scream and call for help, but not able to do so, since I am worried about my children. After this I woke up and saw the time. It was 1.45 am. I said LAHAWL WALAKUWATA and prayed to Allah for his help. I went to sleep. I started dreaming again. In my dream, I am discussing the previous dream with my husband and asking him to shift to another house. Please note that We had purchased this house 6.5 years back and since then, we have been witnessing some or other problems. We are from India and had purchased this house from a Non-Muslim.


A: There is no need for you to be worried. However you and your family should commence carrying out the five A'maal in your home daily to attract the mercy of Allah Ta'ala. The five A'maal are as follows: 

  1. Qur'an recitation.
  2. Taleem of Fazaa'il-e-A'maal and Fazaa'il-e-Sadaqaat
  3. Bahishti Zewar
  4. Zikr
  5. Collective dua. 

Apart from the above, ensure that namaaz is performed on time and one refrains from sins. For further details regarding receiving barakah and success in one's life refer to http://muftionline.co.za/node/2704

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
