
Q: I had a dream before fajr namaaz. I dreamt I was going to my friends husbands 3 days ziyarat and as I was going into the yard I saw my brother and sister together. My brother was busy counting money and he gave my sister money and I started crying and telling him that she has lots of money and I do not have money. Why are you giving her the money and not giving me. Thereafter I saw everyone leaving the lounge area and as I peeped inside I saw the man's body wrapped up in white kafaan looking very nice and fat and his wife or mother sitting by the stomach and running her hand up and down. Thereafter I get up with a shock. After fajr namaz same morning I then see another dream after that a picture of a big black wolf and 4 black babies on a mat. As I walk a man with a big beard is walking alongside me and as I come near the mat, the babies come alive and start biting me and this man is not helping me. Then I see myself being bitten by a big black dog and the owner of the dog is my brother who gave my sister money, this dog has my hand in his mouth and biting and I can feel its teeth and then I see people fighting and lots of blood.


A: You should turn your heart to Allah Ta'ala and place your trust and reliance upon Him. Do not turn your heart towards people. Keep your heart clean at all times and maintain a healthy relationship with your family.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
