Istikhara and dream

Q: My problem is about my istakhra problem I am doing for marriage. I am getting confused because I am seeing mix dreams. Some times good an bad some times. But it is also true that I was always in confused situation while making istikhara. On the other hand the girl with whom I am getting married preformed it for 2 times and she saw me in her dream and I was wearing shiny green dress and white light noor on back ground. I have asked many people like wali allah and aamils to do istakhara for me by their spiritual powers they all have told me that this proposal is best for me. I have done ishtakhara by Quran majeed an tasbeeh and it was positive but I am confused about my bad dreams. Kindly help me.


A: Do not pay attention to the bad dreams. If the girl you wish to marry is a pious girl and Deeni conscious, she has good character and mannerisms and both parties are happy with the nikaah, then you may get married. Refrain from any premarital contact, conversations, meetings, etc. This causes the anger of Allah Ta'ala to descend.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
