
Q: I saw a dream about my brother's wedding that is on 21st of this month. I saw that his in-laws were not giving the day according to my sister's choice. Then I angrily went to them that they should set the day so my sister can also join the wedding. When I reached their gate my brother's mother in-law stoped me and said don't come inside my husband will not listen to you, he will snatch the paper from you. So I stopped and look at her hubby in surprise and hid my papers behind me. I worry will this marriage be good for my brother? I also watched in another dream that a huge fight happened during wedding. I was searching for my brother but I couldn't find him. At last he was laying on the roof or floor (I don't remember correctly). I asked why are you here. He said mom told me to do gurgul (clean throat with salt water). Now I am vomiting and its time for me to be ready as a groom. Please guide. I really worry what will happen to him. 


A: There is no need to worry. If each party knows how to conduct, there wouldn't be any problems.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
