
Q: I am staying alone in my home because recently my mother passed away, and my sisters are at the back of my mom's property. I am ready to give them their share but it takes time. So my friend did istikhara for me. In the istikhara she asked about my 2 sisters, like what they are expecting from me, why are they against me. In the same night she saw a dream about one tiger walking in my house, in the hall and eating raw mutton from the hall. Please let me know the know the tabeer of this dream.


A: The dream means that if you want barakah in your life, then you should ensure that your mother's estate is distributed according to Shari'ah and everyone receives what is due to them.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
