
Q: I saw a dream. I was standing in the bathroom of an unknown house. I was not doing anything. The door was open and I saw my Sheikh come. Lots of people also came and they were all coming forward to greet him. He kept asking them about me in urdu. After a while I came out of the bathroom to meet him. He hugged me and held me for a while. As he was doing this something was being transferred from his chest to mine. It started from the middle where the heart is and started spreading until my entire chest and upper body was full and it felt like my chest is going to burst. He then  released me and left. I have been suffering with my health for many years and despite trying various doctors, hakeems etc. my condition is not improving. What does this dream mean and is there any indication that my condition will improve?


A: The meaning of the dream is that you will spiritually benefit from your Sheikh. May Allah Ta'ala bless you with kaamil shifaa.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
