
Q: My dear spouse has just recently passed on. I was not dreaming of him until last monday after esha salaah I read 2 rakaats hajaat salah and begged almighty allah to please let me dream of him. That night I dreamt that we are at home and preparing to go for picnic or braai. He is standing at the entrance of our house door and my niece who was living with us gave him a tupperware of mithia (sweetmeats) and we told him to carry on and we will join him later at the park. All this while he did not answer but looked at us and put it in his car and went.Could you please kindly let us know what does this mean?


A: The meaning of the dream is that you'll should read a portion of the Qur'an or give some charity and convey the reward to him.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
