
Q: My youngest daughter (3 year old) was standing and holding something and when I went closer to see what it was, she started running away down the passage to my room. At first it looked like a lizard, but upon looking closer I saw it was a green snake. I told my child you can’t hold that and she let go, and the snake went under the bed. Then it came out from under the bed and I tried killing it with my sandal. I tried hitting it on its head a few times, but I felt my shots were too weak. It then slithered away and went into some sort of thin vase with water in it (I do not own such a vase). I took something sharp and with all my might I repeatedly hit until I saw blood coming out into the water, and then I knew I had killed it. I woke up and it was still before Fajr, about 04:30. Kindly interpret the dream and provide naseehat.


A: Exercise caution with regard to the company your children keep and the literature they come across (including internet, cell phones, novels, TV etc).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
