
Q: I had a dream last night I would like to get interpreted. I am a 26 year old unmarried male living in the USA in case that is relevant to the interpretation. Some parts of the dream are very clear while others I can barely remember. The dream goes like this. I was running from Dajjal. In the dream Dajjal was very muscular and had red skin. I think I was running from him because I fought him and lost but I can't remember for certain. My brother was running from him as well. Dajjal had a massive following. I was hiding from him in the bathroom. I believe I had a conversation with my brother about what we were going to do next but my brother was not in the bathroom with me. I seem to also remember a girl there who was concerned about me asking what I was going to do. I have no idea who she is and I do not know what she looked like except that she was not old or young but probably in her 20s. I came out of the bathroom and went to my sisters room. While its my sisters room in the dream it doesn't look anything like my sisters room in real life. In the dream though this is the old house I grew up in (but it does not resemble that house in any way). The only thing the same is the carpeting in my sisters room is the same pink color as in my old house. My plan was to wait for dajjal on the other side of the door. I began to recite to myself Allah-hu-akbar Allah-hu-akbar La illaha illalah. Then when Dajjal appeared in the hallway I ran out and attacked him reciting Allah-hu-akbar. When I put my hands on him he began screaming in pain. Then I said La Ilaha Illalah and he was in even more pain. Then I had a conversation with him which I can hardly remember. He asked me something like why or how are you doing this and I responded with something like Allah swt is only one and you are a fake or something to that degree, again its really hard to remember this part. He made an angry face. then I saw the body of Dajjal and it was not destroyed as I expected it to be based on his screams. At that point I realized that I cannot kill him but can only defeat him enough to keep him and his effect away from me. Also at some point in the dream, I cannot place when, it could even have been in a different dream. A girl I know told me a password to something. I have no idea what the password was for. Her sister was also there with her as well. This is a girl who in real life, I asked to marry her but her father said no (this is very recent).

A: You should ensure that you perform all your Salaah on its prescribed time with jamaat in the Musjid and observe strict purdah with all na mahrams. Protect your eyes, your tongue, your ears and your heart from sin and ensure that you remain in pious company. At the time when dajjaal will appear in the world, all those people who used to lead a life of sin (listening to music, watching TV, etc) and adore the ways of the kuffaar will be easily entrapped by him on account of them of them following his ways during their lives. Only Imaan and the actions of Imaan can save a person.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
