Q: Please could you advise me regarding this matter, in accordance to shariah and hikmah. There is a woman who is 33 years old, she has been divorced twice. The first marriage was arranged by parents within the family, the second time was by choice to a shaikh. Both these marriages broke due to not practising where the spouses were thought to be religious but were not praying. Now she has had a proposal by a mufti, he is married with four children, she does not have any children. She is inclined to marry him and to save herself from the fitna of nowadays, as well as being in the peak of youth. He has proposed and her father has said he'll think about it, he came again in Ramadan and the father and brother refused to speak to him and correspond. The mufti is suggesting they get married via phone/Skype and in two months gradually get the family around as he cannot support her financially and so they could speak without constriction. What shall she do?
A: One of the requirements of marriage is that the husband must financially support her. When he cannot fulfil this obligation it is not permissible to get into a marriage.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
Q: What I meant was that without being his wife he is saying he can't support her financially, which he wants to do ( as it is not his responsibility and her right without being us wife), also so they could speak freely without any constriction as he could start work in teaching her and she checking his work in grammar. Then after things are stable he will convince her parents and then he will bring her into his family (ruksati). Basically they cold be husband and wife then later explain to the parents.
A: This is not at all in keeping with the sunnah style of nikaah. She should just forget this person and continue with life. She should forget all her fantasies and dreams. The right way is that she should speak to her parents and let them choose the right person for her. This is the sunnah way, and not going on the sunnah way creates a lot of problems, difficulties, and unnecessary arguments and fights.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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