Published 10 years ago
Last updated 8 years ago
Q: My question is regarding ghusl. My bath tub is placed in such a way that if you have a bath, your back will face the qibla. Can you please advise if this is acceptable, and if not then what can be done about it?
A: When bathing, stand in such a way that neither your back nor your private organ face the qiblah. If this is difficult, then bath with a lungi so that your private organs do not face the qiblah.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
(وسننه) كسنن الوضوء سوى الترتيب. وآدابه كآدابه سوى استقبال القبلة؛ لأنه يكون غالبا مع كشف عورة
قال الشامي: (قوله: مع كشف عورة) فلو كان متزرا فلا بأس به كما في شرح المنية والإمداد. (رد المحتار 1/156)
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