
Q: I had the following dream. I dreamt that my wife's grandfather who is now deceased went and bought three umra tickets for my wife my son and myself for a 14th of a month but it was done very suddenly which was his habit. Only I am telling my son must explain to his ustaad that this was given to us and to please allow him leave for he will not be on holiday. Further its like we have to leave overnight and there was another person in my dream which is arranging an expensive accommodation overnight in Johannesburg. My wife in the meantime is sitting next to her grandmother and telling me to eat well for I will need all the energy. Then I asked her about accommodation for Umra and she replies not to worry that is sorted out we have R18 000 in cash. Which she mentions is the barakaat of teaching Arabic at madresah for somebody has taken care of that.

A: May Allah Ta'ala bless you and your family with the opportunity of going to the Holy lands time and again and may He make you and your family benefit spiritually from the Haramain Sharifain.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
