
Q: By the will of Allah Ta'ala, I am 6 months pregnant. I hope and pray everything goes well this time Insha Allah. I suffered a miscarriage in Nov 2013 at 8 weeks which was devastating for both me and my husband as we have been married for 5 years. I dreamt a few weeks ago that my husband had an increment of 3000 SAR in his salary and that we both were happy but nothing like this happened in real life. His salary remained the same as it was before while his Saudi colleagues got handsome increments. Although he works very hard but for the last 4 years of his job he never got an increment. What could this dream mean? Or is it just a baseless dream? I also saw in another dream that I had a plate of cooked rice with chicken pieces in it, like khabsa. There was a woman who looked at it and said it smells good. So I gave half of the plate of rice with the major part of chicken piece to her. What does this mean?

A: Both dreams mean that Allah Ta'ala will bless you and your family with barakah and make you the means of assisting people.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
