
Q: Please can you help me understand a dream. I often see myself in a Masjid, in one dream I was in the masjid wearing a white burkah stood up reciting the Quraan. In another dream I happened to find myself and members of my family in the masjid, I see musalla carpets nobody around, I look around me to establish which way qiblah is. I say it's this way look at the musalla then I say lets pray 2 rakaats salah. I then find myself in a croweded part of the masjid looking for space to pray. I say to a couple of ladies look over there at the front there's space come on. I see myself in a corner praying as if I am leading the salaah for these two women and as I go down for sajdah to put my forehead down I feel a step making my forehead stummble I see myself getting back up to tashahhud position again. The masjid is very similir in both dreams, red carpet musallah like what we see in Haram and dark wood panels part of the lower walls and wooden railings. A bit like the interior of the blue Mosque in Turkey.

A: You should be punctual on your five daily Salaah on it's prescribed time and observe strict purda in your life from all na mahrams. The dream indicates towards you looking for the right path and the right direction. However this will only be achieved through you adopting the Mubaarak Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in all departments of your worldly and Deeni life. May Allah Ta'ala guide you to the right path.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
