
Q: My family had a dream last night that she saw 3 lions walking outside her previous house where she used to stay with her parents and aunts and one of the lions was outside their house banging the door and clawing at it trying to come inside and all the family are frightened and they are all hiding in their rooms and the other 2 lions are going for other houses but the lion doesn't enter. My family said she saw this type of dream a few times before in our previous house and now again she saw this dream last night. Can mufti Saab please explain the meaning of this dream?

A: Recite the four Quls and Aayatul Kursi after you five daily Salaah and before retiring to bed. Allah Ta'ala will save you from all harm.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
