
Q: I was in jamaat in pakistan. It was after zohr salaat, when it was time to rest. All the others went to sleep and myself just lying down, youngsters came into the musjid and speaking loud, so I got up and just light tap a youngster on his behind and told him to lower his voice. He started crying and told me that he is going to call his uncle. So off he went and I went back to lay down. After 15 minutes, I see his uncle and police, so I went to them with my ameer. His uncle told me, that to hit a child in this country is a crime. I told him I did not know. The policeman said your ameer did not tell you? I replied no. So they took me away to a big round court yard which had cells. They put me in a cell with a cop guarding me. I began crying. The next day I saw a guillotine. I was told it was made for me and I was still crying. I was taken out to the middle of the yard in front of the judge and the youngster and uncle. The judge asked how I plead and I said not guilty. Did you hit the child and replied not hit but just a tap. This is against the law. So the judge asked the youngster his verdict. The youngster said he will forgive but there is no next time so I agreed. The judge asked me you know this youngster and I said no. That is our noble prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his uncle the judge said and I am Allah and you are forgiven and I woke up with a shock. Please interpret this dream for me.

A: Ensure that you perform your five daily Salaah in the Musjid with jamaat and ensure that you remain in pious company.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
