
Q: I dreamt we were in a car with a Muslim driver. I think we were going for some function with the driver. Whilst moving I saw another house having a Meelad function, there was people in the yard with Topis on their heads. We ended up in another Meelad function, think this was the cook yard. There was this one chap with lots of sweetmeat in his cup. I turned around and saw somebody dishing out jelebi and other sweetmeats mixed from a dekhsha using a plate. Sitting next to him was my late brother in law, I think he also was dishing out sweetmeats. He shook hands with me. Allahu Akbar, he was sort of white in colour, his skin looked like silk, smooth. He gave me a carnation flower, just the flower, no stem. On his shoulder, he had another small flower, I asked him for it and took it. I then hugged him. I also asked him for some sweetmeat, he said he will give me some. I ended up in my house. Walked down the stairs and saw my mum. Told my mum that I dreamt of my late brother in law and see what he gave me. I told her I came out of the dream with these two flowers. Noticed the house I lived in was very very big. A thought crossed my mind. I am working and paying for this house but my smaller brother is living in the bigger part of the house. Mufti saab, please help me by interpreting this dream for me.

A: Associate with the pious and refrain from areas of doubt. Allah Ta'ala will bless you with barakah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
