
Q: I made istikhara to take up a job after which I dreamt of me and my mother visiting my uncle at his supermarket which in reality he doesn't own. He works in a company infact. A few year back my parents and uncle had a fight after which they are not on talking terms. So in my dream I saw a pickle container from which I also ate and my uncle says that no customer is buying it. I really can't come to any conclusion. I am not sure if this dream is due to namaaz or just a random dream without any significance. I just performed istikhara once and I have to make a decision asap. So I may not get to perform istikhara again.

A: Be courteous and kind. Don't fall into other people's fights. Where you can improve the relationship try and improve.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
