
Q: I had both dreams on the same night.

Before fajar: Three of my colleagues from work come to my parents house where I live house. I get some curry out of the fridge to give to Friend A they are frozen but I put two spoons in a plate of each curry ( one is okra curry the other is chicken) and in the microwave to heat up I also tell her I will make roti for her. I get out the chappati dough from the fridge. The dough is so nice and soft and I begin to role it. The first roti I make is really tiny (if you put your index finger and thumb together to make a circle the roti was just slightly bigger). I give friend A the roti and say I will maker her another one. The second one I make her is normal size. I offer Friend B and C food and go in the fridge to see their is lots of other food in the fridge which I did not see. There is a container with chicken rice in it and a few other containers with food. I offer Friend A the rice too but she declines. I say to Friend B and C that I will make them roti too and continue to do this.

After fajar: I leave work for lunch and go in to a shop. In the shop their is a cupboard with crisps chocolates and things. I take a few pieces from a chocolate bar and head towards the till to pay, on the way I take a few bits of the chocolate. On my way to the till I sit down at a table in the shop. 2 other people are also sitting there that I do not know. Then my manager at work ( however in real life I have never seen this man and he is not my boss) sits apposite me and starts eating a chocolate doughnut the other family at the table have a larger order of cakes too porfiteroles etc. my boss starts to speak to me about some salary calculations I may have looked at wrong and I say I will go and look at them and leave the shop. The dream scene then changes. The next thing I know I am parking up my car at the old street I used to live in (when I was younger with my parents). But the house I am looking to go into it not my parents old house but in the dream it's like it is our house. I am there as there is a islamic circle being held at my house which my husband (soon to be ex husband in real life) is facilitating. I look through the window and can only see one person inside. I remember thinking why are these always at my house why my husband does not host at his, and also thinking that he is not interested in these any more as he only did them for me when I was married to him because I said I wanted a man who was into his deen. I decided not to go in and come back later, my thought is to go past my husbands house to see if he is home. Initially I can not seem to remember where I parked my car but then I find its and drive away. Again the scene changes and I am not driving but cycling through a busy market street avoiding knocking in to people. I cycle through a congregation waiting to pray on the street. The women all have nikabs and are wearing black and most of the men are wearing white jubahs. As i cycle through the congregation i go past my brother who is stood up and has a black coat on. The hair on his head and beard are also black (in real life he has a lot of grey hairs). He says to me are you going to the islamic circle. I say yes it has not started yet I just need to get something and will see you there. I carry on cycling until I get near my road and I see one of my friend B who was in my first dream walking down with her friends. I don't want to see her. The reason because she has always seen me with hijab and after I got married my husband did not want me to wear it so I stopped. So I don't want her to see me without it and ask questions. I turn around and start walking really fast with my cycle up a street. My way is blocked by a large wooden broken piller which someone is sticking out of a broken window of a house. I get really scared as I do not know if they are trying to hurt me and I can not see another way passed it unless I turn around back on the route I was. Then a hand comes out the windows to and the wooden piller again. The windows is broken and smashed and the house in not a good state. I realise after a while that they are not trying to hurt me. After this I wake up.

A: May Allah Ta'ala bless you with a heart that shares goodness with others.

You should observe purda with all na mahrams.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
