
Q: I wanted to get interpretation of a few dreams. I received my divorce from my husband today I had these dreams mostly last week and after fajar and they involve him and his family. Some parts I can not remember fully but the parts I can I have described:

The first was that my ex husband, his mother and I are sat at the dinner table eating what his mother has prepared. My husband has some kebabs. I have some minced meat in my plate some of it is red meat and other is white meat but I have the feeling the White meat is not halal and even suspect it is pork. I take a spoon full of the red meat and it taste half cooked so I spit it back out onto my plate and do not eat the rest.

The second dream is that their is a very nice big house that my ex husband and mother in law are living in and I am speaking to my mother in law about the problems me and my husband are having and that he should not give me a divorce. My husband has just left the shower and has a towel wrapped around his lower waist and does not take any notice of me. I then go in to the bathroom and there are three cubical toilets I enter each and all are a little dirty with spots of stool. I think to my self that is my husbands mess. I can not remember if I use the toilet or not - I think I do to urinate.

The third dream I can not remember it all just the end because it was very upsetting and the emotion of it woke me up. I continued to feel the emotion and sadness of the dream throughout the day. It was that my husband was saying bye to me for the last time and I am thinking the next time I will hear from him will be divorce. He is very sad and so am I. I hug him and them start crying please don't this. I beg his mother and hold her feet crying and begging to her please don't this and seeking her forgiveness but both do not listen. I continue to have dreams of my ex husband which are really upsetting for me when I wake up as I want to move on and start to heal from what has happened. I make dua that I don't see him anymore but still have these dreams. I don't know if these dreams have meaning, are just my thoughts or are the shaytan troubling me.

A: These dreams are created through the influence of your thoughts and feelings.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
