
Q: Recently I have been dreaming a lot about snakes. The last dream was so scary that it felt so real. I dreamt that I was going somewhere and wherever I went there was a snake in front. Eventually I was at this place and sitting and opposite me was a lady and we were talking and besides us was a sleeping snake. My daughter then disturbs the snake and it just springs up and sinks its fangs into my right leg and I can feel the bite and also the venom seeping through my veins. I get up with a fright and I can actually feel the pain in my leg where the snake bit me. Please can you tell me why am I having such frightening dreams that it actually feels so real.

A: Do not pay attention to these dreams. However recite the four Quls and Aayatul Kursi after you five daily Salaah and before retiring to bed. Allah Ta'ala will save you from all harm.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
