
Q: I have four small dreams which I hope you will kindly interpret. All were on the same night.

1. I am in my parents living room (where I live) with my older brother and his children. I see a black spider on the ceiling and run out the room. My brother deals with the spider I am not sure if he kills it or just throws it out.

2. My niece, nephew and I are in a strange rainforest type place. The water of the forest is green. My niece and nephew are playing in it I tell them to come out as I can see it bubbling and fear the water. I then look in the distance and see a tsunami like green wave coming towards us over the trees. I take my niece and nephew and hide in a trench. Once the water passes We are ok. After we go to a shower room to clean our selves from the green water by having a shower.

3. I am with friends and family and have just got of a flight which has landed in Bangladesh. We are looking to catch a connecting flight to Malaysia. We can not find our route out and to the next terminal. We ask someone and they say our flight is not scheduled it is a helicopter which will take us. I feel very scared as the weather does not look good out side and I say I am not going on a helicopter we were told it was a plane.

4. I am in my parents old house with my brother, cousins and two of there friends (who are brothers). We have a climbing frame which has a swinging rope on it. Both of the brothers are playing on this. The first brother as he swings breaks the frame and swings back down some stairs. Everyone laughs but I am concerned as the stairs are concrete and so is the floor. The other brother also breaks the frame and falls sideways into the next door neighbours garden.


1-2. There are different types of people you will across in life. some will be your well wishers and others will not hope for your good. We should know how to deal with both types of people.

3-4. Everybody is concerned about the future whether they will be successful or not. Hence the sensible thing is to turn to Allah Ta'ala and prepare for the hereafter.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
