
Q: Since I got married I saw some dreams continuously. I need to know their tabeer. I saw that my husband and me are in our bedroom but he is silent and not talking with me. I'm trying to talk but he is sitting separate, in some dreams I saw I am standing in a unknown toilet, its very dirty I don't want to see that place but I'm standing don't know why? Many times I saw I'm on top of a high building, it's so high that I can't see the ground and I feel I'm falling from it, sometimes its a high mountain. I also saw I'm going to the airport, my luggage is ready and checked in, I got boarding card but same time I'm in a toilet. I have my monthly mensural problem and in this condition I'm so upset what to do. I also saw 7,8 white dogs some are male and some are female. They stopped me in a graveyard and are not letting me go out. In some dreams I saw I have to go to some important place like airport but I'm getting late without any reason. Still now I get these types of dreams especially falling from buildings and toilets. I'm so worried.

A: Ensure that you are punctual on your five daily Salaah and fulfil the rights towards the husband. Recite the attached dua after your five daily Salaah

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

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Dua for uniting the hearts.pdf 44.14 KB
