
Q: I had a dream after fajar but can only remember parts of it. I am in my mothers old bedroom sleeping on the floor with my mother. There is a bed in the room but my mothers Aunty (who has passed away some years back) and the aunts daughter in law are sleeping on the bed. I am planning in my head that I will take everyone to the cemetery later in the day as that is what my mothers Aunty wants. I then see that I am in my ex husbands old kitchen and it is like my family have moved into it. I am looking to make breakfast. On the cooker is a small frying pan which is broken in half in my mind I think my mum burnt it and broke it trying to make something. I am looking to poach a egg so go in to the cupboard to find a pan and lid. I see some glass pans but the lids for the pans do not seem to fit . Their are some other lids for different pans one of which somewhat fits the pan so I think of using this one if I can't find the proper lid for the glass pan. The last part of the dream I remember is that I leave the house I am currently living in with a white lady she has really nice curly ginger hair (I have not seen her in real life) get into her new red car, I point out to her that my ex husbands brother just seen us. I look in the mirror and see that I am wearing hijab which I did not realise. We drive of as we are making a turning a blue car starts reversing back to turn itself around but luckily does not hit us and we go on our way.

A: The dream refers to you continuing on your life and not looking back at your past hardships and difficulties. Similarly the dream also shows the importance of you leading a pure life and observing strict purda from all na mahrams.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
