
Q: I had the following dream after fajar which I hope you can provide a interpretation for: I am In a bank in America with my mother and I am asking them to convert £4000 in to dollars. The lady is saying she can not do such a large amount and can only do £2000 today. I say that I am not here long so need the full amount converted, but she insists she still can not. I am then in another house (it is not familiar to me) there is a lady there whose child is around 5 years old and he is being sick in his hand. She takes him outside. I go and get some tissue and a glass of water to give her and ask her if he is ok and if I can do anything. She says thanks and that he is fine now. The next part is that I am again in a living room with two colleagues from work, one who is my boss the other is on a telephone to a man and they are talking about me. The speaker on the phone is loud that I can hear the conversations clearly. The man is saying that he is not convinced in my ability to do the job my boss indicates to the colleague on the phone that the volume on the phone is too loud and I can hear it. I am upset about this. On top of this I am also worried in my mind as I am thinking that my ex husband is coming around soon to tell me something and my colleagues do not know we are not together anymore. The next part of the scene is that I am in a bedroom (not familiar to me) I am thinking about what I am going to do with my life as it seems like me and my boss are not friends anymore. I think about another job but then I thing just because we are not friends it does not mean I have lost my job and that I will continue to go back into work.

A: In order for a believer to be successful, he is required to adopt the Islamic way of life in totality. This will only be possible if one leads a pure life of taqwa and emulates the Mubaarak Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in every facet of his life. The meaning of the dream is that one should not utilise the systems of the kuffaar in those situations where it goes against the Deen of Islam e.g. the insurance and riba systems, etc.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
