
Q: I had a dream which I am not sure what it means. I dreamt a young man about 25-30 years old whose face is covered with blood and whose legs are amputated. I passed by near him and I found myself falling on the ground. He was looking at me. I looked at my thighs and shoes to see if blood did not get on them. There was no blood on me. There was another man trying to help the injured man on the ground. Later I heard the injured man saying he is fed up people looking at him (referring to me). He got up which was odd actually because earlier he was amputated. Please Sir i'll be very grateful and thankful to you if you could interpret that dream for me. Thank you in advance.

A: The meaning of the dream is that wherever you are able to aid and assist people in difficulty, you should assist them.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
