
Q: I have a dream After fajar that me and my ex husband have got back together. We come into his house and we get ready to go out again. I have 2 hand bags and can not find my red purse in either. I say to my ex husband I can not find my pursue and that I will have to go with out it. I take one of my hand bags without my purse. We then get in to his car and he reverses it back and crashes it in to a wall. I get out the car and survive but my ex husband falls down the side of the wall with the car. He gets back up with little injury. I go with him in to his uncles house where he is looking for something. His uncles wife comes downstairs and is really pleased to see me back and gives me a big hug. In her happiness she wants to give us something to eat. I can see in the kitchen she has chappati dough and flour she says asks us if she should make it for her or she offers us something sweet to eat. My husband is in a hurry and so declines and we both leave and get into the back seat of a car. There are three people in the front seats. A husband and wife couple and another man. I have never seen these people in real life but in the dream they are imagined to be related to my ex husband. I am eating a white chocolate muesli bar as we go on our journey. We go on to the highway and on both sides of the road there are various laser red lights shining on the floor which are speed checkers. At that point I wake up.

A: You should turn your attention to Allah Ta'ala and observe strict purda with all na mahrams.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
