
Q: I had a dream in the early part of the night where I am with my farther and a lady. We are walking though a house and come to a hut. Inside the hut I can see there is a tiger. The lady says she knows the tiger she helped him so he is friendly with her. I think in my mind the tiger maybe hungry now so may not be friendly. I tell my dad I am going to go on and to come quickly with the lady. I go to a point and my dad follows. I ask my dad where the lady is and he says he thought she was behind me. I run back fearing for her life. I come to what was the garden of my childhood home. The scenes there is very horrible I see a baby tied up and I see the tiger who has eaten up the the lady. I feel very sad and angry at how she must have suffered.

A: You should refrain from keeping company with people who are unscrupulous and who are not committed to Deen.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
