
Q: I saw a dream after fajar I am at my brothers house. My dad has made a lamp chomp curry which is perfect and he has made me a chappati. My dad goes in the living room and takes my food. In the living room there is a lady I have not Seen before and she has two children. She has a baby girl who is about 2-3 months old. I am playing with her on the floor, giving her kisses, she is very cute. She roles over and we are amazed that she has learnt this. I think to myself I am not going to wait now I am going to tell my husband I want to try for a baby now (in reality I have just got divorced and I am in my iddah period). I sit next to my dad and ask for my food. I see my dad has eaten half of it. I tell him don't worry I will go and get some more and make another chappati. I go in the kitchen, my brothers wife comes down she is getting ready to go out with my mum and my brother comes in he is looking for something. I ask them if they want to eat the curry and I will make them a chappati. My brother says yes.

A: This is a good dream. May Allah Ta'ala remove your difficulties and bless you with a happy life.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
