
Q: I had a dream before fajar I am in my old childhood home (but in the dream I do not live there). I am getting ready to leave. Their are a few ladies in the house (who I do know in real life). I am asking them to leave too as I need to put the alarm on. All of them leave. I put the alarm on then one comes back in. I quickly rush to turn the alarm off before it starts to go off. I look upstairs and ask the lady how long she will be, she opens some draws and in there is a baby boy who must be between 3-6 months old. We do not know how he got there or who his parents are. I pick him up and I say I will take him home and look after him.

A: One should lead a pure and clean life fearing Allah Ta'ala at every moment. If one leads a pure life conforming to the Sunnah and refrains from all sins, Allah Ta'ala will bless him and Allah Ta'ala's divine help will always be with him. The dream refers to some problem that was hidden and later on became exposed.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
