
Q: I am hoping you can assist me with a dream interpretation. I had this dream during Ramadhan, and dismissed it, but its been bothering me since. Just to put it in some form of context I need to relate 2 dreams that preceded this one. The first is where I was in a flat, supposedly mine, and someone told me to rush outside to see the moon as it was unusual. I went out, and it was a full moon, unusually large, red in colour and appeared quite close to me in proximity. I then look up and saw thousands of glittering stars, and then an aero plane with its tale on fire. I thought this fire would spell itself into Allah's name, as this has happened to me previously. But it didn't, it crashed. I felt the impact of the crash but it didn't harm me. Shortly thereafter I again dreamt of a huge supermoon, again reddish orange in colour. Interestingly, the two supermoons that occurred this year, happened consecutively a few days after each dream as related above. The third dream - I dreamt of Rasulullah (saw) and he and his family were being chased by enemies. He managed to barricade himself and his family in a room. But his grandfather was already caught. The enemies informed Rasullullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) of this, but he wanted proof of this, so he told them to ask his grandfather a question, the answer would verify if it was him. The question was, what colour was his beard (the grandfather). It was black, but he intended dying it red, so that was the cryptic answer, red. My dream ended there. I am unsure if that really was Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in my dream. But the main theme in all 3 dreams, which occurred close to one another, seemed to be the colour red. I would really really appreciate some help in interpreting this. Jazakallah.

A: The mashaayikh and the righteous people through whom we gain our deen must be revered and respected all the time. In proportion to us showing respect we become stronger in our deen.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
