
Q: My dream is below. Please can you let me know the meaning.

I am out with my family and we need to get to a place I look at the path to getting there and it is very muddy but when we start to walk on the path it is ok and not that muddy. We get to where we want. Inside we start to have lunch. My sister in law has made rice. I look around at things in the shop and in a basket I find a bundle of money as notes. I think it is a lot and keep it. My brother then tells me off for using the battery on his phone and I give him one note from the bundle.

A: There will be different challenges and tests that one will face during one's life. In all these trials and tests, the thing Allah Ta'ala wishes to see is the level of commitment and endurance within ourselves. If we fulfil the rights we owe to Allah Ta'ala and the rights we owe to the creation, Allah Ta'ala will bless us.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
