
Q: Please can you inform me of the meaning of the below dream I had.

I am at my house and I look out my door and see a great gathering outside my ex husbands relatives house. It is as if someone has died but everyone is dressed in wedding clothes and the atmosphere is like a wedding. I see one of my cousins also coming out the house and she is dressed in beautiful clothes. I am then called inside and see my dad in the bathroom, my baby niece is in the bathtub (she looks like she is only a few weeks old) I start to cry as I realise my niece has died in the bath tub.

A: Life and death lies in the hands of Allah Ta'ala's. We should constantly make dua that Allah Ta'ala keeps us and our families perpetually under His divine mercy.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
