
Q: I made istikhara prayer a few times in regards to whether I should marry this man and if he is right for me. Basically me and this man wanted to get married but his family had given zabaan to his cousins family in Pakistan and have said he has to marry her or else they will disown him and if he marries anybody else they want nothing to do with him. It has been more than a year since I last spoke to him but still have strong feelings for him. After praying istikara I had one dream where he is sitting downstairs in my house and i can hear other people. My mum and Auntie call me downstairs. I am coming down the stairs wearing all green shalwar kameez and a green scarf on my head. He was wearing white shalwar kameez waiting downstairs. What does this dream interpretation mean please?

A: Ignore all your feelings, and both you and him should consult your elders in these matters. Don't ever take independent decision. Generally, when your elders are not included in these types of serious decisions you end up in problems, regrets and difficulties.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
