
Q: Please can you provide me with the meaning of the below dream.

I had a dream that that I am looking after someone's two dogs. They are medium size dogs and have a lot of fluffy fur which is golden brown in colour. I can not control the dogs and they run away from me. I worry how I am going to get them as I don't know if they will attack me if I am rough with them by bringing under control. There are lots of other women there too with cats and dogs. I am then at a house somewhere with the same women and animals. I ask where the cats are and one of the lady's points to a room and says they are sleeping. I open the room door and wake them up, they run out the room. Some stay asleep so I shut the door again. Amongst the cats I also notice there is a cheetah type cat sleeping there too. This worries me as I think it could attack us.

A: This refers to the different temperaments of people. We should learn how to live with people and know our limits when dealing with them so that we are not injured or cause them any injury in the process of interaction.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
